Picayune , blog format, one year later

One year and 288 entries (this included) later I feel much, much better aboutPicayune with this change to a Weblog-based solution, without it being an online diary (my frequent complaint about blogs). What Mac OS X Server 10.4 offers through blojsom isn’t the greatest still but the free factor keeps it from being ditched. Besides, this page serves a similar purpose to my QTSS stream KMAG, it’s a real-world experiment to help me do my job better. 
I feel pretty good about this change. I originally did it on a whim after I dug through the training materials for it at work. Plus, there were a few experiments with a work server because I’m not stupid, why would I want to mess up my perfectly working server at home. The greatest improvement I think is the frequency of my postings the software provides. For years, I did it the “hard way.” I used GoLive to compose the pages on the site along with the late 90s mindset with it. Make a page, link it to this page, that page, make it part of a rather complicated web of pages held together by links, etc. I probably still make it a bit more work than it should be with the pictures, links and formatting I still try to integrate into this but I’ve gotten faster at it. 
Now if I could only get you guys to post comments more often. 
Thanks for reading over the last year, now on to the next year with this.22

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