Weight loss update

The wife bought a new scale yesterday and this one’s pretty good for its price tag. I like it already because I’ve lost five pounds with it! Seriously though, since this scale is in the privacy of our home, I can weigh myself in my gym clothes because I discovered that my street clothes added five pounds. All this time I’ve been lamenting about weighing almost as much as Homer Simpson (239 in his underwear if you’ve seen enough episodes). Turns out I’m 225 which makes me only 45 pounds overweight.

Now to find a way to lose the 5-10 the camera adds.

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One Response to Weight loss update

  1. Somara says:

    It’s also useful in determining how much fluid the bladder can hold on average, the weight of the cats, and how much one can gain from eating a personal sized watermelon in one sitting. Oh, it’s good at letting me know how much I’ve lost since I started my diet too.

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