The new MacBook 15″ gets an Eco-Friendly modification

The new MacBook Pros were announced and although I’m biased toward the MacBooks (cost, size: fits in my backpack; and color), I was excited over the new 15″ models. These are the first from Apple to use an LED-based backlight instead of the traditional lamps. “Big deal,” some of you are probably saying. The LED-based solution is the better way to illuminate the display on a portable or LCD-based display for these reasons: they use less power so the battery will last longer per cycle, using less power means they run cooler, they last longer for the life of the portable and best of all, no Mercury involved which made portables bad for the environment. Obviously there’s the expected speed bumps and improvements on these models: better processors, better video chips and a higher RAM ceiling. Now the question for me will be, when will the LED-based development will rolled into the MacBooks.

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