This turtle wasn’t hiding in the sewers

No idea where this creature came from.

On our way to pick up the kids to go to D&B, something weird was crossing our street. I pulled over and discovered that it was a turtle! As you can see from the picture, it was quite large, easily a foot in length. I picked it up with my handkerchief and from its back side to keep it from biting me, which I realized it couldn’t do. It was too big to be someone’s pet and was covered in too much mud, water and grass. I have no idea where it may have originated from because we were nowhere near the recent floods nor are there any serious creeks.

I got my picture with it as proof, something I still regret over the tarantula I spared nine years ago. Then I carried it the rest of the way across the street for its protection. Many of my neighbors drive around here like morons; over the speed limit and stop signs are optional. Hopefully it made it to the nearby creek.

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