D&B Expedition 2007, Madison is master of the claw

Somehow Somara coaxed us all into making faces

For the last week, my sister-in-law from Dayton Beach is in town with the kids which means, a trip to Dave & Busters—a vacation highlight to them. I think there are a couple in Florida, they’re just not nearby and the parents don’t have the time. Besides, time with Uncle Maggi gives Yvette a break from playing referee, disciplinarian, villain and delegator of treats. This trip was special too because Hunter, their cousin and my nephew who lives in Georgetown (town north of Austin), had the chance to go. Poor Hunter has had bad luck with the D&B thanks to two previous cancellations: stomach flu on the day after Christmas 2006, the disappointment on his face said it all, and the ice storm on MLK Day 2007.

Landon and Madison are always a handful so I strong-armed Somara into coming along because I knew I would be completely overwhelmed by three children. As always the ongoing negotiation sessions at the prize area of D&B was a small ordeal for both adult and child. I think I could get more cooperation from Israel and the Palestinian Authority before any remote compromise from the headstrong Madison. Course I should talk about lecturing on the accumulation of crap, my CD collection and D&D props. Fortunately, they’re not adults to point it out…yet. We still had a great time, the prize bit is only a fraction of the whole experience. Hunter really likes the Aliens video game, Madison won a four-square ball in the giant claw game and nothing makes one feel superior than defeating preteen children at air hockey, the match with the wife was close though, 7-6 comeback win for me.

With the children, aunt and uncle sufficiently exhausted, we got the quick picture and returned them to Georgetown. We do enjoy their company but we have no plans to have our own offspring yet it’s always good to have this kind of outing several times a year. I consider it an inoculation to prevent me from ever changing my mind unless I were suddenly turned into Bruce Wayne; he has enough money, help (Alfred), time and energy to deal with kids. I think his detective and ninja skills give him an edge in parenting too.

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