Yeah, I know, lame, but I never grow tired of the joke or premise from The Pirates of Penzance. I’m confident he’ll be sick of it by the time he’s a young adult. Yet he won’t turn down the free goodies one gets proving this date is his birthday.
Side note: Most people think Leap Day happens every four years yet it doesn’t since Earth’s revolution around the Sun isn’t exactly 365.25 days. It happens every year divisible by four except on years divisible by 100 unless they’re divisible by 400. Huh? 2008 is a Leap Year, sure. 1976, you bet. Same goes for 2000. But 1900 or 1800? No. A little trivia from my high school Astronomy class.
Nic is probably having a pretty cool time, he has a new baby brother (Marcus) to celebrate with. He’s also a clever guy. Nelson (his dad) told me he already knew the ritual to make a snow day happen.