I’m a delegate! Not a super one, but a delegate nonetheless

You’re probably sick of all the news covering the primaries (for either party) but I had an awesome, exhausting experience last night participating in the second step of Texas’ rather odd process. It was odd because this state finally mattered, even if it’s still not going for the Dems in the Fall.

Normally, the candidates are already narrowed down by Iowa, New Hampshire and a few others by now. So all the arcane rules for this state are ignored because the delegates are pledged to a de facto front runner. When I voted last week, the county workers reminded everyone about the caucus meeting on primary-election night. If I reported to my precinct after 7:15 PM, I got to cast a second vote to assign the last third of the delegates while the first two-thirds are decided by the popular vote. It seems rather un-democratic as only the diehard political junkies with immense patience would stick around, wait in queue to vote again. I’ll keep this apolitical though.

Many people made their second vote, then left. I stuck around since I was told there were resolutions to review: which legislative proposals or positions the Democratic Party of Texas would promote. Talk about Legalese! It didn’t help that I was one of “those guys,” speaking up to push for amendments on them. I only did it for three out of what seemed like 100, it more along the lines of 30-40. Again apolitical so I won’t say what I tweaked but when the votes came up, I was three for three. Swish! He shoots! He scores! Maybe I do have a future in politics, HA!

When we got through the resolutions, the results were announced and we divided up between our two respective camps to choose delegates for the Travis County Democratic Convention at month’s end. The acting chairman said it would be held at the Expo Center which pushed me toward being a pledged delegate since I know how to get there. I succeeded in landing a seat at the proverbial table. Now I will let my bias through for I am a pledged delegate for Senator Obama. Pledged? I could change my mind. Fat chance. Now I need to trade shifts with a co-worker due to it being an all-Saturday affair. Maybe I’ll get lucky and be chosen for the statewide convention in April. I finally have a chance to do something more than just push a button or color in an oval.

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