T-Minus 10 days to Las Vegas Five!

So far I have only received one bet and another “maybe” for this upcoming trip to Las Vegas. This morning we hit the less than 10 days before we’re on the plane for what I have dubbed Las Vegas V, because it’s my fifth trip to Sin City. Maybe I should label is differently for Somara’s sake?

Either way, we’re not starting our final preparations: cat sitting, paperwork to take, shows we’d like to see, the forecast on the weather (I’m confident it’ll be hot, it was around the same time in 2005), a hair cut, etc. Today, I even took the plunge on getting not just one, but two new suits, there was a sale at Men’s Wearhouse. These are nice threads too, they make me look even thinner than I should be. I remembered Dr. Orpheus’ advice on vertical pinstripes.

As for a show, not much was really happening until I stumbled upon Liam Finn appearing at this odd chain called The Beauty Bar, seems Austin has one too. Now I’m trying to contact the place to secure tickets, their website for LV is a complete bust.

I digress (what a shock).

My countdown widget is now at the point when I have it display the event beginning down to the second…when our flight departs, 915 AM on 9/16.

Just remember to send me an e-mail or post a comment on how much, which game, which result you’re betting on and if necessary, which casino. If it’s on the Strip, odds are good we’ll be there, usually the major places, most of the minor joints have disappeared. Wagers over $10, I will need the money in advance or some other way to secure it. Mark B can attest to our honesty on covering the $5-$10 bets should you win.

We’ve decided to take in Fremont this time. Last trip we didn’t bother because it was cold (post Thanksgiving, I don’t recommend visiting then) which I think inhibited our willingness to explore and our timeshare experience ate up a significant chunk. Some of you may be asking, what’s Fremont? It’s the name of a major street in downtown Las Vegas which has the famous sign of Vegas Vic, the neon cowboy, attached to a place called the Pioneer. For many years, Fremont was more popular than the Strip [aka Las Vegas Boulevard]. I think downtown declined in popularity by the Seventies or Eighties due to crime and the Strip getting more attention through efforts of Steve Wynn. I saw it a couple times in 1997 (just blew through in 2003 for the marriage paperwork). To me, Fremont was the Wal-Mart portion of Vegas compared to the Strip. Somara and I decided to give it another look, make a new assessment.

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One Response to T-Minus 10 days to Las Vegas Five!

  1. Mark B says:

    A whopping $5 on 22 (not 21, like I previously said!), please. Thanks, and enjoy yourselves. I am, of course, totally jealous as I LOVE Las Vegas. It used to be a yearly thing with our family, but now going there with kids is many, many years in the future.

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