Been sick this week

I apologize if you’ve been coming by Picayune looking for any updates. Oh I’m so full of bon mots! Well, maybe there will be more effective HTML code to cover sarcasm.

It has been cold around Austin (by Central Texas standards). Remember, like most residents here, my blood is thinner and our houses don’t have to be as insulated for the true freezing temperatures I don’t miss from my former home states of IL, WI and ND.

I’m feeling better and I’ll be seeing my key doctor on Monday which will help. As Dr. Custer calls our monthly visits, course corrections on making sure the Apollo XI makes it to the Moon. It won’t be as rough as October’s but I think it may feel close. The problem with having a cold (how I love the sore throat that came with it, a hazard of my profession) is all the insomnia and anxiety which comes with it. You get all this “free time” to recuperate and heal. What I’m still trying to master is not allowing my mind to “go on the hunt” as the wise doctor describes it.

Hate him or not, Ray Romano has the best story to explain it. One day, Ray is driving and his daughter (under 12) is with him. The daughter is smiling while staring out the window and Ray asks, “Honey? What are you thinking about?” She replies, “Candy.” Only a child could smile over such a line of thinking. An adult’s train of thought would go like this: “Candy, candy, mmm, oh, cavities! Cavities, cavities, yeesh, do I have a dental plan? Have I met the deductible? What if I lose my job? Am I gay?”

My mind “going on the hunt” isn’t always as dire. It just seems to have a need to stay “busy” or “occupied” when I wish it could remain “empty” for a few hours. It probably won’t matter since I’ll be spending the next few days digging out from all the mess I need to catch up on from being sick.

Thanks for your support though! Keep checking back and don’t be afraid to post comments, the solution from WordPress is much tighter on spam. Only one attempt made.

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