“Winter” in Austin should be over tomorrow

We sure had it rough down here in Central Texas today with the sleet, cold rain and temperatures below 32 F (0 C). However, it didn’t bother me for long because the weather will be right back to the low 70s (20s) in a couple days.

Course, last night some (including myself) were hoping for an Ice Day off from work but I knew it was slim by 9 PM; there wasn’t any serious buildup of ice on my car by then. Good thing I didn’t count on it (I do need to catch up on my Rock Band time), the roads were great this morning and I arrived at work on time.

Not to rub it in on my friends up in the northern climates, Nelson told me how freezing it was in Chicago, Texas will probably get a few more cold snaps before March.

Take solace in this. As soon as a few snow flakes appear, the events from the King of the Hill episode “Snow Job” isn’t far off on what happens. (Unfortunately, every synopsis found on the Internet emphasizes Hank losing faith in propane when he discovers the boss owning an electric-powered stove.)

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