Paul Harvey is dead…

…actually, I thought he died years ago since the outdated politics he spewed on the Public airwaves bit the dust during the Nixon years.

How I wish I could find Joe Piscopo’s imitation of him. Growing up in the Midwest, it was hard to avoid his condescending, holier-than-thou rants disguised as some kind of sermons on the mount; as if the world needed to know what a great actress Nancy Reagan was in high school. Piscopo nailed a great gag on how Harvey’s dramatic pauses could result in a dirty joke while demonstrating the blowhard’s general cluelessness.

The Simpsons made a good dig on his “the rest of the story” narration style with the punch line being the name of another hideous ally of Joseph McCarthy, Roy Cohn; a hypocrite younger people probably don’t recognize.

Anyway, I don’t want to completely vandalize the old crank’s “funeral.” Back when I was a relatively inexperienced PowerBook support agent, I actually received a phone call from his son, Paul Harvey, Jr. He sounded just like the original and while I was helping him, I just couldn’t get him to say his father’s catchphrases. So at least the guy entertained me once in exchange for all the rest which resulted in me rolling my eyes.

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