My teeth are shaping up!

Click on the graphic to get a larger view.

This week, Evil Twin Syndrome* cropped up again with the dentist. In my ongoing war against anxiety, I missed an earlier appointment fearing bad news about my gums. It compounded into all kinds tension, stomach pain and frayed nerves. Seemed rather silly because I’ve been brushing and flossing more (it was a New Year’s resolution) plus rinsing with hydrogen peroxide or ACT as I was told by the hygienist. Shortly after New Year’s Day I spotted some recession of my gums on a couple back teeth. I freaked and fretted for days on how periodontal disease would win out. Teeth can be repaired but you can’t buy fake/replacement gums. I also live in Texas, one cannot eat steak sans the backteeth and no one will serve you a prime rib smoothie.

Monday, I toughened up and received great results! The hygienist said there was still marked improvement. I thought the numbers were too good to be true but she showed me how the tool worked; some kind of metal pick with notches to determine the ratings. What a relief! I was afraid the numbers were a matter of opinion, experience and intuition. Dr. Alice’s staff was also generous enough to let me have a copy of my charts so I could share with you all the improvements of three years! I cut down the interim jazz to show the contrast between how awful my gums were in 2006 to now. It has taken three years to get this far and it could’ve been sooner if I followed Dr. Alice’s advice earlier.

Maybe my graphic can serve as a warning to the children on the importance of flossing. Brushing is great but without flossing it’s like missing the free throw on a three-point play in basketball.

The numbers in the picture translate pretty easily. They represent the gum’s position/coverage on the tooth. Three or lower is good. Four isn’t good but not fatal. Five and six is bad. Seven and eight is terrible. I don’t want to even imagine how awful a nine or ten could be. Once I get the six and five out of the way, then the fours are on my hit list.

Now if only my car could get on the same path to improvement. I spent over $400 on it last night in brakes and a fuel-system cleaning then was told it also needs new CV joints and its leaking more fluids; explains the burning smell lately.

*Evil Twin Syndrome? Part of the my anxiety battle involves reconciling perception and reality. Since I don’t “see” how well things are going until I get confronted by uplifting news, such as my teeth, I figure it’s my evil twin up to no good. Listen to the song “My Evil Twin” by They Might be Giants to get the gist.

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