Happy 10th Birthday Molly & Miette

As always, their birthdays and ages are best guesses with the assistance of our vet. Molly was adopted from the Austin Humane Society so they could only tell us what was on paper; little was known about her original owner(s) other than she was unwanted. Miette is a former, feral adoptee, thus we have to judge by the state of her teeth.

They’re taking it easy for their joint birthdays. We’ll probably give them a special treat later in the week. The whipper-snappers Nemo and Kuroneko will get to share it because it’s impossible to segregate them over something as awesome as a can of tuna.

Molly has slowed a bit as she goes through middle age but that doesn’t stop her from being the Alpha cat, hitting the others if they annoy her or get in her path. I did give Molly some specific petting time this morning while I’m on vacation. In return, she got into her sphinx pose and made biscuits on my chest.

Miette continues to be very spry (making us suspect she may be much younger) and I think she has a high metabolism because she doesn’t have the sagging paunch older cats develop by now. Wisdom hasn’t come with age for Miette neither; she still excels at tearing open bags of food, pushing open doors which pique her curiosity (namely the Library) and exploring the garage. I will give her special attention later today; I’m the exclusive human Miette allows to pick up, cradle her and rub her skull around the ears.

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