As Mojo Nixon said, “I hate banks…”

Definitely one of Mojo’s funnier and raunchier songs but as I’ve been digging out from exhaustion over the last couple days, namely the J&J Feast, I did get Chase’s assistance on why I will never do business with them, Citibank, MNBA, Capitol One, Bank of America (aka Thieves of America) or any of those other crooks again. I have to give an exception to Wells Fargo, not by choice, they are my mortgage company for the foreseeable future yet I wouldn’t let them handle my nephew’s allowance.

So last weekend you may have read how they jacked the rate and if I you caught the comment afterwards, Somara already telegraphed Chase’s upcoming intentions in their “Blame Obama” campaign/rhetoric. Before it got this ugly, I did more research to have ammo for the next call: credit checks on Somara and me; I’m not going to divulge them because it would be crass, I will only say mine is higher than I anticipated (CEFCU was right). Assured CEFCU’s rate could be challenged, I called Chase again. This time, my advisor Nathan’s response to my credit union’s nine percent was an incredulous “we can’t beat that.” Then he dropped the bomb about Chase going higher in the next quarter plus he started spouting off the corporate line like Rob. Pretty sad. My final statement was that Chase would rather take nothing which is what will be the plan. Hell, before the current economic meltdown, very little made a 16 percent return except Bernie “Made Off” and we all know how he did it.

I put in the phone call Monday to CEFCU to start making the arrangements to have Somara made the joint owner of my accounts. Then we’ll re-route the direct deposits she has and re-apply so she has her own cards. Originally, I wanted to do this while we were on the Grand Midwest Vacation Tour of 2010 but Chase has forced up the timetable. I’m sure Chase and its allies will ratchet up the misinformation next year during the midterm elections because the profits they’ve made in 2009 weren’t obscene enough. Meanwhile, credit unions continue to prove that their form of “communism/socialism” is successful; UFCU (Somara’s main one) is adding branches and has been in the black like mine all through this mess. Business types always decry the unfair advantage credit unions have in the legal code, never mind that they avoid obvious bad risks such as people who don’t pay them back or boneheaded investments.

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