How many calories are burned via the Wii Fit?

I got back on the Wii Fit wagon shortly after our vacation ended because I regained some of the weight I lost…and I still can’t shake it due to the stress of life lately. Don’t worry, once Snow Leopard becomes a more routine product, I think I can work my way down to the low 220s or else the new jeans I bought in June were a bust.

Anyway, I scored a free iPhone application called Lose It to keep track of my caloric intake but it also gives you credit for exercise. So this led to a search on the Internet for a some numbers. I found this site which has a link and guide to the official Wii Fit Calorie Counter site. Why not just have the latter? Unless one reads Japanese pretty well, it would be wiser to read the author’s explanation on which buttons to press.

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