Useless knowledge may finally pay

All too often I impress people with all the stupid, trivial crap I know. Beats me on why, it doesn’t pay squat. Unless you count D&B tickets whenever I play their trivia game; I must be losing my touch, I only had one perfect game out of 10 during my last trip. Then there’s the dread I instill in others whenever the game Trivial Pursuit is brought out at parties. Never mind that I don’t win every game, sports is one of my weaker categories. Overall, I get the feeling they picture me as some kind of trivia pool shark, putting together my virtual pool cue, readying myself to hustle them out of their lunch money. Well, someone once said such a thing when I brought my own personal Guitar Hero controller to a friendly game of Simon for the Beavis & Butt-head crowd.

Now, it might bring me cash, fame and a year’s supply of Rice-a-Roni! Somara found the Web site for Jeopardy auditions. The first test is this upcoming Wednesday evening. Yikes! Am I nervous? Of course. It’s 50 questions, oddly you can give standard answers not in the form of a question, via a Web browser. Should I pass, the next step could be an in-person audition with further quizzing. Where is the stickier matter. The closest city they’re considering is New Orleans. Not exactly a day trip from Austin, try an extended weekend at best. I figured they’d go with Houston or Dallas, maybe even San Antonio. I might as well spend the dough to fly to Chicago, beg my brother permission to couch surf there and get his advice on what to do because he almost made it on in college.

Should I succeed in achieving my 15 minutes (again, I consider my first one with my brief fame through D&D), I will not piss off Alex by requesting “the rapists” for $200.

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