I bet this killer will still have access to legal texts

Recently, a prisoner in Wisconsin (of all places) lost his lawsuit claiming that a ban against playing D&D was a violation of his free speech rights. If you read the story, the part about concerns over him being the center of a gang due to the game was rich; never mind the umpteen other factors why gangs form: ethnicity is a huge one.

At first, I thought, “who cares!” after seeing the headline. These people are allowed legal counsel the rest of us can’t afford, shelter, food, healthcare, clothing, exercise equipment (so they can kill guards and each other more effectively), entertainment and sometimes, conjugal visits. Then I caught the part about why he’s in prison, murder. I’m not keen on convicted murderers getting anything nice to alleviate their boredom but the idiotic policy against the game is to laugh. Obviously the warden will not ban sports or porn because it will result in Attica II.

I propose a compromise. Let Singer have his D&D yet to make sure it remains punitive, he can only play Fourth Edition.

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