Old Man Winter will take one more swipe at us

According to the forecast for tomorrow, Central Texas will receive freezing temperatures with a strong possibility of snow and/or freezing rain by 10 AM. How I can’t wait. Not over the conditions making our commute stink. Not over the co-workers calling in “sick” because they can’t drive in such weather. And not over the impending panic of people buying up toilet paper and bottled water.

Nah, the irritation will be the Climate Change Deniers (or as I prefer to call them, Flat Earthers, maybe they should be re-labelled the Teabaggers of Science) flapping their gums about Al Gore, Climategate and the fictional petition of 31,000 scientists agreeing with them. Never mind that Weather is to Climate as a bit is to a Kilobyte or a letter is to a sentence. I’ll just warm my hands with the hot air coming out of their mouths.

Sorry for the (not really) political barb on my site but I decided to lay down the gauntlet on the Faux News crowd since I did reading to arm myself, courtesy of NASA’s site.

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