Based upon today’s Austin weather, Spring decided to call in sick. There was a huge thunderstorm with a deluge of rain followed by the temperature dropping; today’s high will be a disappointing 48 F!
I shouldn’t complain too much. We’ll be back to normal by Monday and the following week appears to be smooth sailing.
I just remember how lame this day was in the Midwest and Great Plains because there could always be another snow storm or freezing rain. The weather for today brought all those chilling memories back.
Meanwhile, today is officially the first day as of 17:35 UT (which I think is Greenwich MT) which would make it around noon here. My little friend RC said it’s tomorrow due to her calendar. I’m going by what my Buddhist wall calendar says.
Oh yeah, contrary to the rumors. You can stand an egg on the small end any day of the year. The trick isn’t exclusive to the Equinoxes.