Happy Belated 70th Birthday Patrick Stewart

I was just too damned tired after eating two-thirds of my Taste of Italy at Olive Garden last night (Somara had a craving for their chicken gnocci soup) to complete this, plus it was a long day with a key co-worker being on vacation.

The man that will probably be forever known as Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation has had a pretty impressive career in both nations. Getting the lead role of a Sci-Fi show usually leads to be typecast, at least that’s the logic of the previous show’s participants’ claims along with many others (Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, etc.)

Before his iconic status, I vaguely remembered him playing Gurney Halleck in David Lynch’s version of Dune. Over the years I then recognized him in Excalibur as Leondegrance, the knight/warrior who wins the competition but can’t pull the sword from the stone yet he is the first back Arthur. Smart move, Leondegrance is Guinevere’s father so he gets a good spot in the new kingdom built around the legendary king.

Other favorite performances obviously entail The Simpsons (Head Stonecutter), the pig Napoleon in recent puppet version of Animal Farm (debuted on TNT) and the alien king from Jimmy Neutron. The only thing I’ve caught him recently on are reruns of American Dad, it pays the bills, knighthoods aren’t cheap. Still nothing regarding those rumors panning out of him being the Mad Monk for the revived Doctor Who.

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