Nine years at our house

Every day extends my lifetime record here for living in the same spot. After picking and moving practically every couple years during the first 25 years of my life, even I was skeptical about staying put on the day we closed on this house.

Any regrets? Nothing serious. It certainly keeps me from doing anything rash such as packing up and leaving for another city, trying to find greener grass; not hard to do this time of year with the drought. I certainly don’t want a repeat of North Carolina too.

There won’t be any celebration. The house is nice but any kind of milestone to throw a party over would be when I can tell Wells Fargo to suck it regarding their PMI and escrow. I have enough discipline to take care of the hazard insurance and property taxes myself. Speaking of scams, just like an election year we’re in the process (again) for changing hazard insurance coverage. Never mind the economy being horrible, Travelers raised the premium…ready? Nineteen percent! I am definitely in the wrong busy, so is organized crime. Fortunately, our membership with Costco helped us get a alternative for 60 percent of what Warren Buffet would gouge us while provided more coverage on mold and some other stuff.

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