New Biker Barbie!

I thought Mattel couldn’t stoop any lower than NASCAR but never underestimate how ignoble America has become. Makes me wonder if other previous, declining civilizations had equally obvious, tangible signs through their toys or novelties.

Ken resembles a wannabe biker. Barbie appears as a cleaned up version of Amy Winehouse and/or Snooki (minus the gross, faux tan). The pierced navel helps draw away attention from the questionable halter top. Well at least they’re wearing leather to teach young people the importance of motorcycle safety.

These dolls are still comical, Hollywood ideal versions of bikers though. They’d get their behinds kicked faster than Pee Wee Herman too. Trust me, I know a little bit about this subculture. When I was a kid, we had some as neighbors in the other half of a duplex. Their scary nature and behavior quickly dispelled any myths about them being honorable like the Fonz.

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One Response to New Biker Barbie!

  1. Somara says:

    And on the other side of the subculture, I know a very nice educated couple who were bikers before they gave it up when they became grandparents.

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