Happy Birthday Chance!

How fitting! During a weekend of celebrating all the good news Somara and I received from work…and may not stop for a while…it’s the birthday of a little guy who probably doesn’t remember us eight years ago in Phoenix. We do though. He was only two so it’s alright, most people’s memories don’t kick in until later in their development.

I think he’s getting to the age when iTunes certificates are fine. The last thing I ever recall giving him was this killer Ben 10 gizmo for kids; a decent replica of the omnimatrix the main character wears.

I know there was talk about his dad (Steve) coming down in the near future for a comic-book function. I need to see if this is still happening and if he’ll be bringing the not-so-little dude in two. Chance won’t be bored at our place. We have a Wii and PS3 with Rock Band gear, including the Beatles and Lego!

Hopefully we’ll catch some photos.

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