Why I shouldn’t gargle at my desk

Currently, I am still trying shake off a sore throat I have had for about a week. It’s probably the side effect of yet another sinus infection or what I like to call the Austin malaise. Paradise always comes with a price.

Besides the usual regimen entailing Mucinex, throat-comfort tea, cough drops, lozenges and plenty of fluids, I gave in this morning to do the one thing I hate…gargling with warm salt water. Blech! Having the soup at some cafeteria chain my grandmother loved would get you the same effect; salt with some water in it. However, I want this to go away and finally gave in this morning.

New condition, don’t do it at my cubicle any more. On the third round, I gagged and did a spit-take Danny Thomas would’ve been proud of…all over my 24″ LED/LCD. I cleaned it up pretty easily. At least it gave Somara a chuckle, maybe it will for the three readers I may have.

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