RIP: Bill Campbell

Forever known as Commander Koloth from Star Trek and DS9, many forget he was also the Squire at Gothos which is unofficially the Federation’s first encounter with the Q; in a Peter David-based novel for ST:NG, Squire is Q’s stepson.

When I used to subscribe to the really pricey but well produced Star Trek magazine in the Nineties, there was a piece on Bill. It featured his work in coordinating one of the biggest annual conventions around LA since he enjoyed his two roles. The article included a picture of him in an Elvis movie too!

Sadly, the New York Times obit brought something older Americans, conspiracy theorists and GOP nutjobs relished…his first wife was known as Sam Giancana’s mistress.

Bill will be missed. For the Klingons, he brought a sense of cockiness, deceit, arrogance and overconfidence to the Federation’s rival empire. Demonstrating how the Klingons didn’t always antagonize Kirk and the gang through just brute force or violence, they could play mind games too. John Byrne gave Koloth a good part in his recent Romulan miniseries for IDW.

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