July’s theme or explanation

Last month was National Accordian Awareness month, hence “Weird Al” Yankovic being in the header…I haven’t listened to his new album yet. I thought I’ve managed to pull off several cool looks lately (Molly’s birthday in April, New Zealand for May) so I scoured the Internet to see if I could maintain the trend for July. Shoot for something beyond my birthday, Bugs Bunny turning 71 or Apple’s new OS (Lion) which may come out.

Then I saw that July is International Blondie & Deborah Harry Month. Yeah, it’s a stretch because the band’s run was relatively short plus their catalog isn’t very large. Influential? Somewhat. Much like their contemporaries Devo, Blondie’s descendants don’t show up for another generation since the band ran out of gas by 1982-3…by then no one cared, others moved on and the Classic Rock Backlash was getting started. The greatest hits compilation their labeled released in 1981 did become a staple for college radio stations. I had a cassette version.

My favorite contribution Blondie made was during their last big US tour in the early Eighties. The opening act was this little band from the UK called Duran Duran who is enjoying a huge re-surgence: SXSW, iTunes Festival and a really solid thirteenth album.

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