
This movie was probably written specifically for John Cleese who would’ve been an English headmaster (or American principal) if he weren’t such a great comic actor. He just has that rigidity in his DNA although it’s probably an act, especially when people interview him.

The story revolves around Brian Stimpson, a headmaster obsessed with punctuality and today is the day he becomes chairman of a prestigious organization. It’s a huge deal because he’s the first chairman ever from a public school (or the British equivalent), a position previously held by all the posh institutions (where the rich kids go). Once Brian concludes the morning announcements and daily detentions, he is off to the conference. Unfortunately, due to Brian’s habit of frequently saying “right” when he speaks, he misses the train, thus the comedy ensues as the journey, deadline and speech unravel at every adjustment.

Clockwise is somewhat dated as you will see in the Eighties hairstyles and it’s a movie that couldn’t happen thanks to the ubiquitous of cell phones. Also, if you’re expecting Monty Python outrageousness, it won’t happen. This movie centers around a more subtle Cleese performance so I would put it on par with Fawlty Towers if Basil took anxiety medication or A Fish Called Wanda.

The movie is currently available through Netflix streaming. Catch it while you can. Cleese fans will enjoy it. I managed to catch it in theaters the first time at Milwaukee’s legendary Oriental Theater 25 years ago. Unlike some other gems in my memory, this one held up.

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