Facebook = AOL


One of my biggest peeves about Facebook is that it has become many people’s piss-poor substitution for communication. Never mind how effortless it is to write a short e-mail, how cheap long-distance phone calls have become or how ubiquitous chat clients are. Hell, I even gave in on getting the unlimited SMS nonsense for my iPhone due to others sending me those despite numerous requests not to (they used to cost me a dime and they can add up).

They Might be Giants shared this little YouTube movie but I think they retracted it for fear of losing a helpful tool to keep fans in the loop. It’s pretty funny. I would like to amend Number Five though. There have been old friends from college and high school I’ve stumbled upon which nice at first. Then through Facebook, you discover they’ve become hypocritical Christo-Fascists (especially the former ‘swingers’ who used to sleep with anybody) who demand to know why you won’t sign Glenn Beck’s 9/12 horse crap. Many were such peripheral people in my life so hitting the ‘unfriend’ button happened without hesitation. Others get a few more strikes before I just write them off as terminally ill with Angry White Man Disease. I’ve had my differences with those in my Socio-Political camp too. Nowhere near as heated thankfully since it’s probably a side effect of our own Echo Chamber. The difference between them and the Christo-Fascists is they won’t turn into 1984‘s O’Brien; eagerly wanting to torture me into joining their spiritual Ponzi Scheme and/or belief in Cake n’ Crumbs economics.

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One Response to Facebook = AOL

  1. Jose says:

    The video was pretty funny.

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