Chucks promise broken

Somara once asked if I was going to set a limit on how many pairs of Chucks I would own. Based upon the storage solution my brother-in-law Aaron graciously installed, there was a hard cap of 50 while I could probably expand it to more, say 80. Flippantly I gave Somara the number 75. Whoops! I’m at 84 due to a trip and sale to the Converse Store in Round Rock.

The original plan was to purchase two pairs for Sonia’s children as a Christmas present. Sonia and her family live in Europe so what they get from us must fit in the luggage, ergo, it can’t be a kick-ass toy. Last year it was hats from Toy Story could wear home. Besides, why not give the kids the shoes most associated with Uncle Maggi! Even if they don’t care for the present, parents appreciate one future clothing purchase they don’t need to make.

Then came my browsing to see what was unique, I’ve been jonsin’ to get a Dr. Seuss pair. Didley-squat in the “mistakes” section. Yet they had three colors I could go and there was a two pairs for $40 sale. I scored different, distinct shades of green.

How many pairs now? Check out my FAQ, maybe ask me a question to add to this as Peter and Cindy have graciously done!

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