Twenty-five hundred posts!

One day ahead of the upcoming, dreaded Friday the 13th tomorrow too! Maybe I should take that as an omen and not go ice skating at Northcross; I’ve grown too fond of non-cracked ribs, no concussion in probably 20 years and having at least 30 teeth.

The only other, real news to go with was my interview to become a Support Engineer for the second time. I completed the “trial by fire” over an hour ago with three people I respect and in some ways, am in awe of. It went better than last Summer…I wasn’t late and covered in flop sweat at the end. There were stumpers. There were great moments. We ran out of time which prevented me from getting in my closing statements.

I just hope to find out soon, then I can decide what I want to do when I grow up.

Onward to 3000 or 5000, depends on my mood in about a year.

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