Happy 17th Anniversary to Linda & Brian

My sister-in-law and brother have been married since 1995. It’s not really a surprise they’ve made it this long. I wish I had empirical evidence to back up what appears to be a hunch, something I’m not a fan of. I do know my brother pretty well so I do know that he wouldn’t have gotten married on a whim, urge or obligation. Brian probably shares my opinions on being certain and cautious because our parents made divorce seem pretty distasteful, a major reason why they’ve always worked out their stuff…yet I remember some pretty ugly days I thought we’d be joining our friends’ club.

I don’t want to be all maudlin n’ preachy. I want to congratulate them and I need to get a belated card in the mail.

Wish them well too, I’m giving a stern look at my “dates” who shared in the booze at the reception! Better yet, check out Brian’s new Web site. It may have a very specific audience but I think what he’s talking about has universal applications on occasion.

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