Panic attack for July

Sorry if I haven’t posted lately, at least I’ve been more consistent than my favorite fictional burnout from The Onion, Jim Anchower, who is probably ending his 16-year run in prison. I on the other hand have been more fortunate.

Work, life and fatigue have kept me from writing much. Then I stupidly drank about four regular Dr. Peppers. The sugar burst plus all the other bullshit going on, namely at work, and I can’t forget the unseasonal rain…made me sick. When I get sick, I have to take over-the-counter medication and it doesn’t mix well with my anxiety stuff. Ergo, Saturday was spent unproductively lying around, dozing in and out or watching Netflix.

I’m feeling much better. Somara made me go to the gym, run three miles. Running is something that gives me a sense of accomplishment and an adrenalin rush to get through a huge chunk of the day.

I’ll be flooding the world with more electrons of my useless blather soon.

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