Happy Winter Solstice 2012

What is traditionally the “shortest day of the year” oddly coincided with the end-of-the-world bullshit. How nice.

One upside with living in Central Texas is that the gap between sunrise and sundown doesn’t get too radical like Alaska or Sweden. Hell, I don’t know how I coped with the extended darkness in Wisconsin and Illinois. I never got to experience the Sun going down after 9 PM in North Dakota. I need to ask Cindy what time it did set during Summers. Probably not too late, our area was in the Mountain Time Zone.

I used to wonder as a kid in the Midwest, how can it be so damned cold if this is the day we’re closest to the Sun? Distance has less effect than the Earth’s tilt which affects how much energy our hemisphere receives on a daily basis.

Had to throw in a little trivial stuff to get in shape for the upcoming Geek Bowl VII.

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