Happy New Year 2013!

There was no celebration at Chez Maggi this year. Thanks to our employer’s and clientele’s nature, Somara had to work through the week (we did have Sunday off together). I as well but unlike several earlier days in which the only work I did was through correspondence, I did have to speak with a customer who is notoriously unpleasant. Rule number one for customers, cursing and threats don’t get you anywhere. The day was rather lame anyhow plus we were too exhausted to even take in the party at Pinballz. If Somara is too tired, I don’t have a ride since the fuzz pull over everybody with their rigged-for-failure tests. I don’t drink while intoxicated yet I have been accused once thanks to bloodshot eyes; the night the deaf dude hit my car from behind.

I recall too well 25 years ago how much cops hate people who can outwit them, given this court ruling, it’s small wonder the defense attorneys I know gave up working for the state; the cops are often the worst, dumbest witnesses. The lower IQs probably explain why there are continuous corruption probes.

Back to New Year’s 2012/2013…

We just drove home, grabbed some takeout and settled in. The dumbass neighbors woke everybody around midnight as they set off their larger arsenal of fireworks. They had been launching an intermittent bottlerocket all evening. I figure it’s something learned from the Viet Cong in their psychological war against Whiteys.

I’m hoping 2013 gets rolling out to be a better year than 2012. The election alone made that year a wash. Not seeing my anxiety doctor in the last two months has really upped my irritation with work in general; Somara’s health issues didn’t help.

I feel 2013 is starting on the right foot as per my new monthly header, the Alamo’s tribute to Kurt Russell’s 50 years in film (and TV). We scored our tickets last week. It will be a five-movie marathon with a couple surprise guests. Which movies? No idea. They will be picked at random. Kurt being a surprise guest would be awesome especially when Alamo frequently brings in “experts” to lecture (aka some dickhead with a Web site). Ever since I missed out on seeing Christopher Lloyd with Alamo’s first-ever Back to the Future marathon, I try to not miss out.

Compared to other New Year’s Days, 2013 is better than the numerous awful ones I can remember vividly: 1991, 1993 and 1994’s “now what?” mood; 1998’s “I gotta’ get out of North Carolina or I’ll kill myself.”

Good luck to you all. Now I need to dig out some stuff, ponder some resolutions and get cracking on my weight again. Thanks to the festivities, my BMI returned to 30, Obesity remained my bodily bookends! Next year at this time, I should be around or under 200!

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