Farewell Porkchop

With all the hubbub in my life and around my house (Princess gave birth to her third known batch), I have procrastinated my tribute to a sweet cat who recently passed away.

Porkchop was one of Kristin’s cats. By the time I met him, he was pretty old (for a cat). The poor fellow was deaf, skinny and boney (cats’ kidneys gradually fail as they get to the upper teens, lower twenties). However, Porkchop was friendly and all cat. He liked me because I got to pet him with little struggling. All cat I said? Yes, despite being the equivalent of a 100+ year old human, I saw him successfully get into Jeremy’s dinner on the couch. I can’t imagine my grandparents pulling off such a stunt when they were mobile and in their eighties.

With his health continuing to decline, Kristin and Jeremy were scheduling to euthanize Porkchop to end his suffering. Thankfully it wasn’t necessary, Porkchop died peacefully in his sleep, the way all animals should.

I miss the sneaky little guy. He certainly shares a kinship with Miette and I’m confident there’s a new Porkchop being nursed in the bushes by Princess.

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