Meet Freya and Weth

In my ongoing battle to corral the latest batch of kittens, I discovered what (or maybe who) is responsible for their skittish, unfriendly behavior. The irresponsible neighbors now have a puppy! He’s a nice little guy, dying for attention…and the cats’ food. Princess got into a brief skirmish with him when I watched the other day. Nefertiti tends to run away or give him a quick bop on the nose. The kittens are probably afraid so they’re fighting back the only way they know how, running away, hissing and/or curling up into a ball with their (still forming) claws out.

I did capture two more recently in the last few days. Both are girls and gave them Norse goddess names. The calico is Freya, she has been the easiest to catch next to Balder. The brown tabby/tiger required more research due to her nasty disposition, thus she is Weth, the goddess of anger. Never heard of this deity until Wikipedia, how did Marvel Comics miss out on her as a foe for Thor is beyond me.

One kitten remains. It’s going to be tricky since he or she has the same fur pattern as Balder. I may be getting the two mixed up for all I know. Should I capture a female gray and white kitten, I will know for sure. Getting the two together will be harder.

Enjoy the pictures and movie! When these guys are big enough, they’re off to AHS and momma gets fixed.

Freya is a cutie and you can see her eyes are changing to green.

Freya is a cutie and you can see her eyes are changing to green.

Weth is angrier than her half-brother Ramses and my Molly combined.

Weth is angrier than Ramses and Molly combined, watch below.

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