RIP Alan Myers

The surnames Mothersbaugh and Casale are often what everyone thinks of when Devo is mentioned. For 35 years, the Spudboys have been mostly those two sets of brothers. Alan was the drummer who backed them throughout the salad days, the hit years and when it appeared Devo hit bottom (most say the mid Eighties with Shout).

According to a tweet from Gerry Casale, Alan quit after Shout because he felt the band’s drum machine usage made him obsolete. I wish he didn’t feel that way. When Somara and I saw Devo a couple years ago, they were a multimedia rock show. The current drummer was essential to the others’ performance.

As I’ve learned, electronics and computers still require skill in order to make music. They’re not replacements for talented musicians. Alan’s incredibly drumming on hits like “Freedom of Choice” demonstrated it.

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