Farewell Peace Chucks (or is it a Chickenfoot?)

Purchased circa 2003, ironically during the Iraq Invasion.

Purchased circa 2003, ironically during the Iraq Invasion.

To those who doubt my resolve and claim I have an addiction to accumulating too many pairs of Chucks, I say “HA!” Over my birthday vacation, I turned these in to the Converse Store’s recycling bin. In time these shoes will live on as material for a new gym floor or other sporting surface.

I will miss what may have been my oldest pair (2003). They could’ve lasted another few years because I now have so many sets. However, their interiors had ripped and the support materials sometimes scratched my heels, making the decision easy.

Let’s hope the Converse people will bring back the peace symbol as an option. I’m no hippie (I mostly despise them), I just like peace and non-violent resolutions.

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