Web site annoyances. Fixed? We’ll see.

Had to take the Picayune offline yesterday to back up the server’s contents. It seems the darned Mini was going on the fritz sooner and sooner. I kept suspecting those damned Russians and usual suspects who keep ruining the Internet for the mature people. However the ports were open. Maybe I need to have a display put on the computer so I can watch Activity Monitor for anything suddenly eating up all the processor cycles.

This theory may have been for naught though. When the server goes into an unresponsive state, the hard drive gets really noisy. Since I don’t have another $1900 to give Drive Savers, I bought a replacement drive and rushed the mini to work where I had the cabling to back it up. With two backups in place, I then ran (inconclusive) diagnostics on the drive before using non-Apple tools to tweak it. The fragmentation wasn’t serious enough to matter. It will probably be one of those hardware failures I’ll get out of nowhere.

Welcome back, hope you missed me!

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