Plan Y to my original Plan B

When the treadmill at my house broke down for the second time, I joined Apple’s gym as an interim solution until the repair. However I got hooked on the convenience: location, everything was covered in the locker room and if something breaks, it’s fixed quickly.

Now the locker room will be closed over the next three weekends. Some kind of maintenance or upgrading. No way! The weekends are when I make up the lost distance on my 2014 goal to achieve a daily average of two miles per day. Six days in which I cover over three miles a day would push this back into February.

During our daily commute, we always pass the McNeil-based YMCA. My friend Jeremy belonged to it for a while. At lunchtime I rushed over to investigate. I was sold pretty quickly. Not only do they have a slug of treadmills and a locker room (I will have to get my own towels), there’s a basketball court, sauna, hot tub and two swimming pools. Friendly basketball games have been something I’ve wanted to do for a while. It even gives me a chance to get a pair of Chucks just for this purpose!

Should the trial month work out for me, I will give it a year.

The key thing is to beat 2013’s running record by at least 10 percent.

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