John Wick: Don’t Bother

johnwickA by-the-numbers action/revenge flick starring Keanu as a retired hit man getting even with the Russian Mafia, American Film’s current bugbear. It’s no The Matrix or Point Break because he never says his trademark “whoa!” No, it’s 101 minutes of splatter, knife fights and perpetuating the Hollywood myths about Organized Crime.

Keanu playing a no-nonsense, detached killer must’ve been pitched as a comedy in order to get this dud produced. It lacks originality. Its execution is predictable, especially the demonstrations of his driving skills. I can’t find a silver lining unlike Somara saying, “it’s a fun movie.” To me, a “fun” or “popcorn” movie means “disposable” at best and more commonly, “terrible.” Don’t get me wrong, I have my favorite genres and flicks which have little redeeming value. I’m no Pauline Kael. Yet I prefer a little challenge. A surprise. Something to break the mold given how one ticket cost more than one month of Netflix access on my PS3.

Alamo Extras: We arrived under the wire so we didn’t see anything.

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