Feeling somewhat better, let’s see what Monday holds

Other than a sore throat and a developing cavity in a back molar (these things are inevitable in life), I’m mostly over the flu. All the lost time to be productive and enjoy things down the toilet. I did manage to squeeze in an emergency appointment to see the doctor on Monday so I’m composing a review list of what was pissing me off, upsetting me, etc. It’s wise to do some homework given how expensive brain/mental doctors are.

The more annoying element will be jumping through the hoops for Apple’s disability carrier. I doubt any organization/corporation makes it relatively easy which is one of America’s huge downsides…don’t ever get sick here, or do anything that could harm corporate profit. I may just bypass the whole process if it’s less hassle. The money doesn’t matter much since we have emergency funds set aside such events. Believe me, Somara’ needing surgery while being on my insurance was scarier than anything I can recall in recent history.

One element I do enjoy these days over the past…having a portable computer. There’s only so much reading, sleeping and watching TV you can do. It’s nice to have a tool around to flex your brain muscles when there’s opportunity. Tomorrow and later on in the week I’ll find out if I’ll be spending more time with it

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