My special Valentine to Somara


The closest we could do for Lego representation. Good thing toys make me look fitter than I am! Somara chose her chef/school outfit.

I scored the limited-time kit at the Lego Store but I didn’t like the minifigs it came with so I got Somara to design her avatar; Cat Lady’s hair, Mars Attacks’ reporter’s head, black pants and the chef torso. I’m generic gray-bearded head, Emmett hair, blue legs (for jeans) and the random minifig video game guy from the Series 12 blind bags. I used the N’ail Poolish Remvar with a Coop-Tip to erase the “Player One” on his chest. If I had more talent and time, I’m paint something better in place such as “Ironic 80s Band” or “70s Movie.”

Here we are enjoying some cupcakes Somara made.

Here we are enjoying some cupcakes Somara made.

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