This sweet little person is the daughter of a wonderful couple. Kora’s mother is not a member of the Water Tribe that lives around the South Pole, but a key leader for why I enjoy eating at work.
I even got to meet Kora recently because she came to visit her mother at the cafeteria to say hello to all of us at Apple. She’s a hoot.
As an overdue gift and why I will always remember her name, I contributed an awesome print I bought at an Invader Zim convention of Korra. My hope is to inspire for the Avatar is in good company of other strong female role models albeit fictional: Princess Leia, Sabrina the Teenage Witch’s aunts Hilda and Zelda, and my recently newfound heroine…Spider-Gwen aka Spiderwoman in an alternate universe.
Let’s all give a big Texas welcome to Kora as I look forward to her mastery of the elements.