Bashing on the second musical event that put Austin on the map (Austin City Limits on PBS being the first) became passé a couple years ago, namely when Doritos was a major sponsor. This article sums up most of my feelings. In short, SXSW has become too large for its own good and needs to be put on a diet. The lack of a “big-name act” doesn’t bother me. Who or what one is is subjective and always smacks of the dying labels’ telling us what to like. SXSW transformed into a trade show decades ago which means us residents aren’t welcome. So going downtown is a bad idea for over a week.

I think its biggest problem is Austin having festival fatigue. SXSW is the kickoff for a half-dozen events in which we’re invaded by assholes from the coasts who think they’re entitled to the comforts we paid for. Then they get the crazy idea about moving here, burdening the already overburdened infrastructure Gov. Shitbag and Lt. Gov. Herr Red Skull plan to sell to foreign interests as tolls.

When SXSW concludes, we’ll have Moontower Comedy Fest, Psych Fest, Eeyore’s Birthday, the F1 race Gov. Goodhair foisted on us, ACL Fest for two weekends and then Fun Fun Fest. Throw in all the UT sporting/graduation events, you can see how we Austinites got rather grumpy.

Maybe next year they’ll tone it down. HA!

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