Congratulations Ireland

ireland-yesI’m surprised marriage equality passed let alone with 62%, I figured it was going to lose but by a slim margin. Ireland is rather socially conservative and too wrapped around the Catholic Church compared to its counterparts. Well, France is oddly more homophobic than I thought too.

Either way, this “little” island republic has thrown down the gauntlet to the rest of the Western Empire to put up or shut up. America is looking downright idiotic by only resolving the non-issue through a patchwork of state rulings. In Ireland, it was a tougher fight too. I read how both sides flew in voters who live abroad to participate, I guess absentee ballots aren’t allowed.

Well done Ireland. Well done. You’re still on the hook for your ridiculously draconian ban on reproductive rights and being a corporate tax haven. Let’s see if you can finally address the latter since you did everything “free market” shills like The Economist told you to do and yet when the Great Recession hit your economy tanked worse than France, the UK or Germany despite their debt.

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