Central Texas Flood 2015

srvfloodHuge swaths of the area are assessing the damage and cleaning up. Meanwhile, the GOP-heavy government has taken up yoga to practice the sudden flexibility in accepting Federal assistance to get through this mess. I guess Faux News “scientists” told them the flooding was caused by the gays, ISIS and abortions.

I had to go to work and scratch my ass doing very little thanks to the so-called leadership wanting full staffing on a Federal holiday. We had a minor tornado drill which was more like a moron fire drill. Somara was at our house which fared well. We made sure it wasn’t built on a flood plain during construction in 2001.

When I bought a car, I learned very quickly about the dangerous intersections famous for flash floods. People forget it only takes 12 inches (30 cm) of water to pick up a vehicle and wash it away. It doesn’t matter if you’re in an SUV weighing three tons.

More of the damage was out in the countryside, primarily the Red Staters who will also need to tone down their secession rhetoric while taking Federal handouts over the next few weeks. Austin is 90 percent fine. The remaining 10 is busy cleaning up the debris the water carried along.

There was an upside to the flooding and continuous rain all May. Lake Travis, our primary open water source, is over 658 feet in depth. Another 22 feet and it’s “full.” It can go much higher but I think 681 is the historical average. Our poor lake hasn’t been anywhere near such a level since 2010 due to the rather dry Winters we’ve had. I doubt what we have won’t last. Overdevelopment continues and it goes hand-in-hand with Climate Change Denial.

Thanks for your concern but we’re fun. We’re hoping to see what we can do to help friends who weren’t as lucky.

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