Happy 13th birthday Nemo!

nemo13The only cat we’ve had since he was a kitten has “graduated” to retirement age, as if cats ever do anything to make a living. OK, they bring us joy unless they’re urinating or puking somewhere we don’t want them to!

I do want to emphasize adopting an adult cat over a kitten. These poor, overlooked creatures are more flexible than mythology purports. Mythology spread by cat haters.

Nemo was already abandoned (or he wandered away from his mother) and had just been run over by a car when Somara rescued him. We chose to keep Nemo because as I’ve mentioned time and time again, the veterinarians warned us about the strong possibility of his front-left leg needing to be amputated. Thus, we didn’t want to saddled the shelter the burden of trying to find a home for a three-legged cat.

Nemo has beaten the odds. His lucky leg/paw remains and it’s a major part of his identity. It’s one reason why I admire animals, they just get on with life when they lose a limb or major sense. I’m sure Nemo felt initial despair, pain and probably fear. Today he often demonstrates his mastery of running in a semi-sideways manner or using the lucky paw to feint them into no watching is right paw when makes a more serious blow.

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