Happy Birthday Dr. Mark

There are at least three Marks in life lately, two have an initial after their names to identity them, this dude receives the title “Dr.” since he has a PhD and I think he’s addressed as so formally. Mark B could have an argument for the same request through his law degree which I’ve been told is equivalent. Somehow, I think tradition and (oddly) legal implications prevent the reciprocation.

Meanwhile, I want to give a more official notice to Dr. Mark. A very smart, thoughtful cookie from Marquette. He excelled at History and lives the dream…teaching it, researching it and writing about it. Pursuing a degree, let alone graduate-level honors, is quite tough to do in America with this subject. For starters, I’ll go with something my deceased Uncle Chief once said in 1985, “The streets are littered with History and English majors.” Spoken like a true, callous person with a Business degree. I beg to differ. Americans are terrible writers, readers, thinkers and have embarrassingly bad grades in History, Science and Civics. Why? Too many were steered away those subjects in pursuit of “practical” shit. Marketing readily comes to mind alongside the sociopaths with MBAs (Bush II). As for Dr. Mark, he went for broke and I think he’s succeeded marvelously. He’s published two books. If Uncle Chief were alive, my counterpoint to him would be, how many articles, papers or books proving your wisdom do you have in circulation? I know I’m behind as I dawdle over the The Great American Novel.

Happy Birthday Dr. Mark. I look forward to reading your latest, as soon as I get through my queue held up by The Martian and that damned Our Man in Charleston taking front cuts. I blame the (American) Civil War ending for the latter.

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