Still on hiatus…

I’ve been a tad under the weather so it has eaten into my energy/enthusiasm levels on posting. Much has been happening in the world around us too: David Bowie passing away, Glenn Frey and Alan Rickman too. I’m confident others I liked are gone too. The bloated values of stocks evaporating…sorry, a market correction always induces a white-knuckle ride; with it being an election year, Obama will be blamed for GOP-Libertarian malfeasance again.

Moving along. Will much be happening here? I don’t know yet. As part of a New Year’s Resolution, I have abandoned FaceBook. Twitter has replaced it for the immediate satisfaction plus my brother communicates through the service more frequently.

Stay tuned. When I don’t feel well, I withdraw from the things that give me joy (writing, reading, gaming) out of guilt. It’s a weird arrangement which I could probably blame parochial grade school for.

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